0330 2233176


Events Operations and Fulfilment Consultant

I have had the privilege of dipping my toe into some pretty exciting areas whilst calling what I love doing – work! and picking up some amazing skills in Marketing, Design, Organisation, Time Management, Problem Solving and the list goes on.

Although the events industry is a new sector to me, I am blessed to be working with a talented and dedicated team of professionals, who share my passion for excellence and customer satisfaction, together, we handle every aspect of event management, allowing me to meet new people, build relationships, and create lasting impressions.

In this life, I have the pleasure of expertly juggling the roles of a dedicated mother, wife, sibling, and friend – a true balancing act that adds depth to my character.

Guilty pleasure

Apple crumble drowning with hot custard after a workout!

Outside of work

Family is my No. 1 priority, it is so important that I am at my best so I can guide my children to be their best, at the moment we are testing our coping mechanisms as we are living in a building site!

Bucket list items

Making fun memories with my loved ones, globetrotting, driving an Austin Martin, picnicking in an air balloon while the sun sets, visiting a silent retreat to reflect & disconnect from the noise of everyday life, and cultivate inner stillness, maybe I should check that off before summoning the courage to take the leap with a skydive!